
rechne.exe is an open source command line calculator which is highly functional and easy to use. It supports a lot of mathematical functions, complex numbers, calculation with big numbers, calculation with geo coordinates and is well documented. Download rechne.exe Download rechne.exe Version 3.1  •  English  •  Windows (64 Bit) All files and versions
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  • provides an easy-to-use interactive shell mode
  • can easily be intergrated into shell scripts
  • can transfer numbers from any numbering system into any other (e.g.: binary numbers into hex numbers into decimal numbers...)
  • can handle complex numbers
  • provides over 60 mathematical functions, such as log, sin, cos, ...
  • provides detailled manual pages with many examples on how to use rechne.exe or a particular function
  • allows for unlimited nesting of terms by the use of brackets
  • allows for saving numbers under a name, e.g. for a frequent use
  • allows for referencing the last solutions in your current input
  • provides a big-number mode for calculation with very large integers (RSA 4096 is no problem)
  • provides a static/dynamic library for easy integration in other programs
  • allows for defining own functions
  • provides a geo mode for calculation with geo coordinates


-vVerbosity: print all intermediate steps. Example: rechne -v 12+3*sin(1.5*Pi)
-qQuiet: only print the final result. Example: rechne -q 12+3*sin(1.5*Pi)
-yForce: answer all questions with yes. Example: rechne -y Pi=3.14
-p [x]Precision: print numbers with [x] decimal places. Default is scientific (as many places as needed).
Example: rechne -p5 Pi^2
-i [x]Input numeral system (default is 10 → decimal numbers). Example: input binary number: rechne -i2 1101011100
-o [x]Output numeral system (default is 10 → decimal numbers). Example: output hexadecimal number: rechne -o16 123456
-o polarPrint complex numbers in polar format (default is arithmetic format). Example: rechne -opolar sqrt(-4)+3

The options can be combined.
Example: take binary numbers as input, output as hexadecimal numbers and print all intermediate steps: rechne -i2 -o16 -v (11101-111)^10

11101 -> 29
111 -> 7
10 -> 2
29-7    = 22
22^2    = 484
484 -> 1E4
Result: 1E4

Supported functions/operations

shift decimal pointErootrtsquare rootsqrt
logarithmlognatural logarithmlndecimal logarithmlg
binary logarithmldparallel operation//binominal coefficientbinom
sinc functionsisinesincosinecos
arccotangentacothyperbolic sinesinhhyperbolic cosinecosh
hyperbolic tangenttanhhyperbolic cotangentcotharea hyperbolic sineasinh
area hyperbolic cosineacosharea hyperbolic tangentatanharea hyperbolic cotangentacoth
numerical integralsumproduct integralprddefinite integralint
random numberrandfibonacci sequencefibsignum functionsig
round-downfloorround-upceilreal partcreal
imaginary partcimgabsolute valuecabspolar anglecarg
greatest real numbermaxsmallest real numbermingreatest magnitudemaxc
smallest magnitudemincgreatest common divisorgcdleast common multiplelcm
factorizationfactordigit sumdsiterative digit sumdsi
digit productdpiterative digit productdpiprevious resultsANS
PiPiEulers numbereimaginary uniti
Manual pages provide more information about a certain function and how to use it.
Example: rechne sqrt ?

Big number mode

Of course the rechne.exe default mode supports calculating with big numbers. However from a certain size on some precision (least significant digits) gets lost. This is because the operating systems use floating point objects which by nature are limited.
But some application (e.g. cryptography) require exact results. In this sense "big numbers" are only a stream of bytes. This is what the big number mode is for.
Type rechne bn to enter the big number mode. By default all inputs are hexadecimal (upper case!). Not all functions/operations from the default mode are implemented here. Type help to see what functions/options are implemented.

Big number options

-vVerbosity: print all intermediate steps and print a memory & time usage summary at the end. Example: rechne@bn -v AFFE007|FF
-pPlain output: do not format the output numbers. Example: rechne@bn -p AFFE007
-qQuiet: only print the final result. Example: rechne@bn -q AFFE007|FF
-yForce: answer all questions with yes. Example: rechne@bn -y rand(8000)
-s [file]Save the resulting big number to a file with name [file]. In contrast to normal assignments the file will still be there, after rechne.exe has exited. Written numbers can be read with the read function. PLEASE NOTE: writing the file uses the currently set output format (by default hex). This format has to be used as input format when reading again.
Example: rechne@bn -s myprime1 prime(100)rechne@bn read(myprime1)
-i [x]Input format where [x] can be one of
  • dec → for decimal numbers
  • low → for hexadecimal lower case
  • bin → for binary numbers
  • b64 → for base64 code
  • x → for machine code binary
  • . Example: input decimal number: rechne@bn -i dec 6432876431526887987
-o [x]Output format, same values for [x] possible as with -i. Example: output binary number: rechne@bn -o bin AFFE007
-f/-l [x]Print the first or last [x] bytes of the big number only. Example: only print first 10 bytes of a large random number: rechne@bn -f 10 rand(1000)

Big number functions

(a)mod(b)Modulo: the rest of the division of two numbers 'a/b'. Example: rechne@bn AFFE007modABC
(a)pow(b)Exponentiation: raising 'a' to power 'b'. Example: rechne@bn AFFE007pow2
(a)pow(b)mod(c)Exponentiation with Modulo: especially for use in RSA crypto. Example: rechne@bn AFFE007pow2modABC
sqrt(a)Square root of input number 'a' (Herons algorithm). Example: rechne@bn sqrt(AFFE007)
rand(a)Create a random number with 'a' bits. Example: rechne@bn -idec rand(1024)
read(file)Read a previously (with -s) written number from a file.
gcd(a,b)Greatest common divisor of two numbers 'a' and 'b'. Example: rechne@bn gcd(AFFE00C,ABC)
mrt(a,b)Miller-Rabin-Test: returns 1 if 'a' is a (probable) prime number, tested with coefficient b. Example: rechne@bn mrt(AFFE007,101)
prime(a)Find a prime number with 'a' bits. This will generate odd random numbers of size 'a' and apply the Miller-Rabin-Test. Example: rechne@bn -idec prime(1024)
eea(a,b)Find the multiplicative inverse of 'a mod b' using the extended Euklidean algorithm. Example: rechne@bn -idec eea(99,78)

Sample snippets

Example 1: Convert a hexadecimal number to decimal:rechne@bn -o dec AFFE007
Example 2: Get a prime number of size 1024 bits and save to local variable 'p':rechne@bn p=prime(400) (why 400 and not 1024? Because ALL numbers are hexadecimal if not otherwise specified. So 1024(dec) = 400(hex) )
PLEASE NOTE: generating big prime numbers may take some while and can heat up the CPU quite a bit. Many random numbers of the requested size are created and checked for primality (using the Miller-Rabin-Test), which is costly.

Example 3: Read a JPEG file and print the first 10 bytes:rechne@bn -ix -f10 read(picture.jpg) ('-ix' tells the program to expect non-ASCII byte code)
PLEASE NOTE: the '-f/-l' option only affects the printing of the big numbers but has no effect on the internal representation. So in the background the entire file is read and held as a big number.

Example 4: Write a hex number to binary file:rechne@bn -ox AFFE007 > myfile ('-ox' tells the program to output non-ASCII byte code and '>' redirects all outputs to the file 'myfile')
Alternatively: rechne@bn -s myfile -ox AFFE007 ('-s' writes the result to the file named 'myfile' with the specified output format)

Example 5: Convert Base64 code to a hex number:rechne@bn -i b64 YW55IGNhcm5hbCBwbGVhc3VyZQ==Of course base64 can also be read from a file (using rechne@bn -i b64 read(file)). But often base64 file include a header like '-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----' or similar. PLEASE NOTE: This header needs to be removed manually before reading so the file only contains the plain base64 code!

Example 6: Apply a bit mask and shift 4 bits to the left:rechne@bn (AFFE007&FFFF000)<<4
Example 7: Write hexadecimal letters from a human readable file as actual byte code:rechne@bn -ox read(hexfile.txt) > bytefile

Putting it together: a step by step RSA-2048 encryption

rechne@bn -s prime_p -i dec var_p=prime(1024)Create a 1024 bit prime number (attention: this might take a while!) and save it to file 'prime_p'. This file remains after rechne.exe has exited so this process only has to be performed once. The assignment to local variable 'var_p' only exists while rechne.exe is running.
rechne@bn -s prime_q -i dec var_q=prime(1024)Same with a second prime number → 'prime_q'.
rechne@bn -idec pub_e=65537Define the public exponent 65537.
rechne@bn n=var_p*var_qCalculate the modulus n=p*q.
rechne@bn r=(var_p-1)*(var_q-1)Calculate r=(p-1)*(q-1).
rechne@bn gcd(pub_e,r)Make sure the greatest common divisor of pub_e and r equals 1.
rechne@bn priv_d=(eea(r,pub_e)+r)mod(r)Calculate the private exponent 'priv_d' using the extended Euklidean algorithm (eea). So 'priv_d' is the multiplicative inverse to 'pub_e modulo r'. The supplement '(...+r)mod(r)' is just to make sure 'priv_d' is always positive.
rechne@bn plain_text=read(plain.txt)Read a plain text file and assign the conent to a local varibale. This example DOES NOT cover padding!
rechne@bn -s encrypted (plain_text)pow(pub_e)mod(n)Perform the encryption and write the result to a file named 'encrypted'. This example DOES NOT cover padding!
rechne@bn -s decrypted (read(encrpyted))pow(priv_d)mod(n)Perform the decryption and write the result to a file named 'decrypted'. This will only work if e*d=1 (mod r).
rechne@bn read(decrypted)==plain_textCompare the decrypted number with the plain_text number. 1 (true) means both are equal.

Geo mode

In geo mode rechne.exe can process geo coordinates, convert them and perform some calculations.
Type rechne geo to enter the geo mode. Type help for more information.

The input of geo coordinates can have two diffrent formats:
  • Latitude,Longitude format: 51.339508,12.381132
  • Decimal minutes format: N51°20.370,E012°22.868
PLEASE NOTE: make sure there are no spaces in the coordinates. Latitude and longitude must be separated by a comma.

For calculations such as bearing and distance measuring rechne.exe is using Vincentys formulae which is a bit more precise than Haversine, considering Earths spherical anomaly.

When a coordinate is entered and successfully parsed by rechne.exe the output contains conversions into different coordinate formats and some basic geographical information. A geo coordinate is called a 'point'.
Example: rechne@geo 51.339508,12.381132

    in decimal minutes: N51°20.370,E012°22.868
    in minutes&seconds: N51°20'22.2",E012°22'52.1"
                   UTM: 33U E317593 N5690837
    openstreetmap link:

Distance -> to Prime meridian:      861743 m
         -> to Equator:            5689857 m
         -> to North pole:         4312109 m
         -> to South pole:        15691822 m

Points can be assigned a variable name to store them during this session: rechne@geo berlin=52.516250,13.377711

Two points stored

As soon as multiple points are stored, the program outputs information on the difference of both points: rechne@geo leipzig=51.339508,12.381132

leipzig               : 51.339508,12.381132
    in decimal minutes: N51°20.370,E012°22.868
    in minutes&seconds: N51°20'22.2",E012°22'52.1"
                   UTM: 33U E317593 N5690837
    openstreetmap link:

Distance -> to Prime meridian:      861743 m
         -> to Equator:            5689857 m
         -> to North pole:         4312109 m
         -> to South pole:        15691822 m
         -> to berlin:              147789 m

Azimuth (median):
         leipzig->berlin:  27.6°         berlin->leipzig: 207.6°

         leipzig-><-berlin: 51.926854,12.879421

North-South difference:
         leipzig<-->berlin:     130931 m

East-West difference:
         leipzig<-->berlin:      67652 m
The printed information contains:
  • distance between both points
  • azimuth between both points
  • coordinates of the mid point
  • North-South distance
  • East-West distance

Please note: azimuths don't always sum up to 360°. This is because geometry on a spherical is a bit different than on a plane area.

Three points stored

As soon as a third point is stored, the program calculates the area of the resulting triangle and the enclosed azimuths.
rechne@geo dresden=51.052979,13.733711

dresden               : 51.052979,13.733711
    in decimal minutes: N51°3.179,E013°44.023
    in minutes&seconds: N51°3'10.7",E013°44'1.4"
                   UTM: 33U E411248 N5656479
    openstreetmap link:

Distance -> to Prime meridian:      961579 m
         -> to Equator:            5657980 m
         -> to North pole:         4343986 m
         -> to South pole:        15659945 m
         -> to berlin:              164651 m
         -> to leipzig:              99774 m

Azimuth (median):
         dresden->berlin: 351.4°         berlin->dresden: 171.4°
         dresden->leipzig: 288.6°         leipzig->dresden: 108.6°

         dresden-><-berlin: 51.784526,13.555711
         dresden-><-leipzig: 51.194291,13.057422

North-South difference:
         dresden<-->berlin:     162808 m
         dresden<-->leipzig:      31877 m

East-West difference:
         dresden<-->berlin:      24167 m
         dresden<-->leipzig:      94252 m

Triangle dresden,berlin,leipzig:
         enclosed angle dresden:  62.4°
         enclosed angle berlin:  36.7°
         enclosed angle leipzig:  80.9°
         surface area: 7281.9 km²

Remove all points

Adding four or more points increases the output lines heavily because from each new point all distances, azimuths and triangles are calculated to all existing points.
With rechne@geo clear all stored points/lines are removed.

Apply a bearing

With the syntax [src]->[distance],[azimuth] the point donoted by [src] can be moved by the specified distance and azimuth which results in a new point.
[src] can either be direct coordinates or the name of a previously stored point.

Example 1: rechne@geo 51.052979,13.733711->123m,117° is creating a point which is 123m and 117 degrees from the coordinates.
Example 2: rechne@geo berlin->1.5km,1.711 is creating a point which is 1500m and 98 degrees (=1.711 RAD) from the point with name 'berlin'.
Example 3: rechne@geo hamburg=berlin->298°,255km is creating and storing a point named 'hamburg' which is 255km and 298 degrees from the point named 'berlin'.

Draw a line between two points

With the option -d [src] [dst] a geographical line between point [src] and [dst] is drawn. The two points can be donoted directly by coordinates or by the name of previously stored points.
The output is basically the same as if entering the points directly. However lines can only be created using the '-d' option. The name of the line is hard-coded 'line' followed by an index.

Example 1: draw a line named 'line0' between the previously stored points 'hamburg' and 'berlin'. rechne@geo -d hamburg berlin

from 53.544154,9.980162 to 52.516250,13.377711:
                     Distance:     255000 m
            Azimuth (initial):     115.29 °
              Azimuth (final):     118.00 °
             Azimuth (median):     116.64 °

line 'line0' added

Example 2: draw a line named 'line1' between two direct coordinates; the first in latitude,longitude format; the second in decimal minutes format. rechne@geo -d 50.941236,6.958539 N51°20.370,E012°22.868

from 50.941236,6.958539 to 51.339500,12.381133:
                     Distance:     381992 m
            Azimuth (initial):      81.23 °
              Azimuth (final):      85.46 °
             Azimuth (median):      83.35 °

line 'line1' added

Intersection of two geographical lines

Continuing from the previous section the existance of geographical lines can be used to calculate the intersection point between two lines. The function to use is cut(line0,line1) where 'line0' and 'line1' are the names of the previously stored lines (using the '-d' option).

rechne@geo cut(line0,line1)

    in decimal minutes: N51°28.211,E016°24.576
    in minutes&seconds: N51°28'12.7",E016°24'34.5"
                   UTM: 33U E597906 N5703055
    openstreetmap link:

Distance -> to Prime meridian:     1137843 m
         -> to Equator:            5704395 m
         -> to North pole:         4297571 m
         -> to South pole:        15706361 m
         -> to berlin:              238546 m
         -> to hamburg:             493546 m


rechne.exe and its sources are published under the GNU General Public License (version 3). Feel free to use, copy or edit rechne.exe under the terms of this license.
Please note: As stated in GPL rechne.exe comes with absolutely no warranty.
A copy of this license comes with the download archive.
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